
Pre-Orders are now closed and
will ship prior to the National.

We will have limited items available at the show.


Anyone wishing to sell goods or services at the ASSA National Specialty Show (with the exception of handling or grooming), needs to purchase vending space or photographer’s pass.

Vendor Spaces The rental fee for a 10’ x 10’ space with electricity is $350 for the first space; additional spaces are $300 each. Electricity is included. We are limited to approximately 17 spaces so please contact the Chairman early. One space will be available for an individual ASSA member and/or small artisans to market their goods on a one or two day basis Monday through Saturday at a cost of $60 per day. This is on a first come first serve basis. Vendors may set up on Sunday April 19th. Time will be announced. All product and litter must be removed no later than 7:00 p.m. Saturday, April 20, 2024

Photographer’s Pass Photographer’s passes are $100 for the entire week and are limited to 4 passes only. When you purchase a pass you will receive a lanyard identifying you as a vendor. A table will be available for photographers to display samples of their ware and book appointments.

Below is a list of vendors that will be available at the show: