The ASSA National is the club’s annual week long specialty event. The National is held each spring in a different region of the country and includes Futurity, conformation, Junior Showmanship, obedience, rally, agility, and herding competitions in addition to educational events. It is also a celebration, as up to 1,000 Shelties with their owners, breeders and friends come together for the once-a-year event.

Welcome to the 2025 National!

April 11th - 19th

Conformation Judges

Performance Judges

Best of Breed - Bella Thompson-Corwin
Bitches - David Calderwood
Dogs - Liz Bianchi
Futurity & veteran sweeps - Cadie Pruss

Agility - Dave Nauer
Rally - Beth Baily
Herding - carol Hartnagle and Jim DeKieffer
Obedience - Pat Maynard and Nancy Craig

The National is a celebration of the breed, as up to 1,000 Shelties with their owners, breeders and friends come together for this once-a-year event.

sponsor a trophy
