general info

Sheryl Kendrick 
3496 Wolf Lane
Valley Mills, TX 76689 
 (254) 717-7815

Flint Maxcy
262 County Road 4964
Kempner, TX 76539
(254) 458-1463

Marion Karp 
 15 Lancaster Drive 
 Westampton, NJ 08060 

 Kara Kolster
16088 Geese Lake Lane
Montpelier, VA 23192
(804) 517-6002


Best Of Breed - Bella Thompson-Corwin
 Dogs - Liz Bianchi
 Bitches - David Calderwood
 Futurity & Veterans Sweepstakes - Cadie Pruss
 Junior Showmanship - Liz Bianchi

Conformation Superintendent
  DogZibit Specialty Event Secretary
PO Box 2044
Woodinville, WA 98072-2044
(425) 765-9146


 Conformation Photographer
 Amber Jade Photography
Downers Grove • Illinois

Performance Trial Photographer
Aaron Gold Photography

Only Official Conformation and Performance Photographers may take win photos.

Official Videographer
Show Dog Video Pros
Irvin B Krukenkamp, MD
2639 Pocolomas Court
Las Cruces, NM 88011

Contact Videographer directly to purchase
online video streaming and PDF of catalog.

This show will be professionally video recorded. No other commercial video recording,
video recording from a tripod or monopod mounted camera, or any video recording or
streaming of large segments of the show will be permitted.

Submission of an entry form and/or physical presence on the show grounds shall constitute
both implied and real consent for both the handler and their dog to be video recorded.

On Line streaming of show video to Facebook, YouTube, FaceTime, U-Stream, Live
Stream or other comparable online outlets is strictly forbidden!

Violation of these show video policies may result in an Event or Bench Committee hearing.


Pet Emergency Treatment Service (PETS) * (970) 339-8700
3629 23rd Ave, Evans, CO 80620

DIRECTIONS TO PET EMERGENCY: Go south on 23rd Ave to 36th St. West side of road.


Generally speaking, weather mid-April in Greeley, CO will be chilly in the mornings to cool afternoons.


The deadline for catalog advertising is March 5, 2025. Rates are as follows:

 Full Page (4 1/2” x 7 1/4”) $65.00
 Half Page (4 1/2” x 3 5/8”) $45.00
 Quarter Page (4 1/2” x 1 13/16”) $35.00
 Business Cards $35.00
 Photograph in ad, each $15.00

Ads may be submitted either in draft form or camera ready copy. For full guidelines on ad layout, artwork, and photograph requirements, go to Send ad copy, photographs, and full payment to Carolyn Ing, 493 Westford Street, Carlisle, MA 01741. For further information, email . ASSA reserves the right to accept or reject any advertisement requests.

Club banners will be displayed during the week. BANNERS MUST BE RECEIVED BY March 19, 2025. BANNERS WILL NOT BE DISPLAYED IF NOT RECEIVED BY March 20, 2024. Mail banners to Sheryl Kendrick, 3496 Wolf Lane, Valley Mills, TX 76689

You may order prepaid catalogs for Conformation to be picked up at show on the Master Reservation Form. Conformation catalogs are $20.00

ASSA needs your support for trophies that will be awarded at the 2024 National. Refer to the 2024 ASSA National Trophy Solicitation form for details on placements, classes, and donation amounts. Trophies are available for sponsorship on a first come, first serve basis. Donate by March 19, 2025 and use E-mail (if possible) to ensure first choice and inclusion in catalog. Make your placement selections on the form and mail with check or money order payable to ASSA in US Funds to

 Conformation, Futurity & Junior Showmanship 
 Kathy McFall
(970) 888-2667 

Obedience, Rally, Herding & Agility
Dianne Krantz
 (402) 339-4177

All payments for grooming spaces, preferred seating, and trophies should be made payable to ASSA by check or money order drawn on US banks in US FUNDS only and mailed to the appropriate Chairman. Checks drawn on foreign banks or foreign postal money order are not acceptable. Please do not send cash through the mail. Events and items ordered on the Master Reservation Form may be paid for by check or money order in US FUNDS or via PayPal. 


When you enter or register for any event at this show or are on the defined show and trial grounds of the National, you automatically agree to the following rules that have been established for the benefit and pleasant enjoyment of the event by all parties. Rules also apply to hotels.

• No puppies under 6 months of age are allowed in any area of the hotels or events grounds.
• No grooming or bathing of dogs in hotel rooms. There will be bathing facilities at the show site.
• No un-entered dogs in the show area.
• No breeding of dogs or whelping of bitches at the show site or in the hotels.
• No dogs left in exercise pens overnight.
• “For Sale” signs are prohibited.
• One dog per crate.
• All crates must be stackable. No soft-sided crates permitted at the conformation show site.
• Plastic sheeting must be placed under all crates in hotel rooms.
• Dogs must be crated whenever left unattended in hotel rooms.
• Dogs must be kept on lead at all times when walking in the hotels, grounds, or show site.
• Exercise dogs in designated area only. PLEASE clean up after your dog.
• No exercise pens permitted in grass areas of hotels.
• Flash photography is not permitted ringside.
• Cell phones must be turned off or on vibrate at ringside or ringside areas. Please leave the area to use your cell phone.
• No smoking indoors or within 25 feet of any door or performance trial ring.
• No tripods located ringside.
• No saving seats at ringside.

Attendees and Guest Behavior

There occasionally arises a situation where an attendee‘s behavior in the hotel or at an event site becomes a cause for an unhappy situation that compels the club to take action in order to maintain good relations with the hotels and / or the show site. Common sense and courtesy should dictate your actions to avoid such situations. To assist us in rectifying any problems with individuals or their dogs promptly, the hotel staff will inspect all rooms daily and shall report to the show committee any observed violations or damages. The show committee and security will be observing conduct at the show sites as well. Complaints will be investigated, and the parties involved will be asked to comply with required corrective actions immediately. Each dog owner, guest, or registrant is expected to cooperate; cease and desist offensive actions; settle damage claims on the spot; and provide insurance or other pertinent information as required or requested. Infractions of any rule or failure to comply may be cause for an official event committee hearing and possible suspension of AKC privileges. It is no fun for anyone having to deal with misconduct, but we will, if necessary, so please don‘t force this issue.