This year we are pleased that our most popular program will be returning. This educational program is a prime opportunity you will not want to miss. At no fee on a first-come, first-serve basis, sit at ringside and be mentored by experienced breeders and breeder judges. No seating is available during Futurity, Puppy, Winners Dog, Winners Bitch, and Best of Breed classes. We are most grateful to these mentors in this program for giving their experienced counsel to all who pre-register. To select your preferred class and reserve your seat in this event, sign up on the Sign-Up Sheets.
The cost of the Symposium is $30 per person. This year’s Symposium is presented by Dr. Greg Burns DVM, DACT and will be on Reproduction and Neonate Care.
Use the Online Master Reservation Form to reserve your seat for this exceptional opportunity.
The Judges Education Seminar and Workshop will be Thursday, April 17, 2025 at time TBA. The workshop will include classroom time to view a slide presentation, followed by hands-on activities. The workshop is open to Sheltie breeders who are planning to submit an application to AKC within a year or so, and to judges who are already approved for other breeds. Meeting room will be announced at a later date. Attendance will be limited. The cost is $35 and includes video, instructional pamphlets, and “hands on” experience. Ringside mentoring will be available Thursday, April 17, 2025 and Friday, April 18, 2025 for those enrolled in the workshop. An application form is available on the ASSA website under Judges Education, in the Premium List, or you may obtain one from Jennie Hynes.
All Junior Handlers ages 9 through 18 are welcome and encouraged to participate in the annual handling clinic on Friday evening, April 18, 2025. Professional handlers and breeders will be on hand to guide you through the basics and the fine points to help you show your dog to the best of your ability. Please see the schedule below for details:
• One hour after conformation judging, all handlers (ages 9 - 18, novice, intermediate, and open levels) will gather in the main ring. Junior aged handlers (ages 9 - 11) will work together as one group while intermediate and open aged juniors (ages 12 - 18) will work as a separate group. Both groups will work on handling skills for one hour.
• After handling practice, we’ll gather again as a whole group to enjoy a pizza party and “mentor summit.” You and your mentors can share your mentoring experiences. If someone mentors you, tell us what helps and why. If you mentor somebody else, let us know why you mentor and specifically what you’re doing to help others.
There is no fee for the handling clinic or pizza party but advanced registration is required.
reservation form